Last Wednesday I left school! School has always been nasty in atleast some kind of way. I always use to get bullied and shouted at by my teacher. There were always some things that I enjoyed about school but to many unpleasant things.
When I left school I wasn't shouted at or bullied. I can now learn about what I want when I want to! Radical unschooling is based on natural learning, learning about what I want when I want happily. I don't have maths on Monday morning or learn a language I'm not interesting in.curriculum based home schooling is school at home you have to do maths on Monday and sit somewhere for six hours( 30 hours) a week! Where as radical unschooling is not about sitting and learning about things your not interested in for six hours. I can have school for two hours if I want! I was always homeschooled without realising it! My Dad takes me for for bush walks and I learn about things in an adventurous way. And that's just how I want to learn!
Congratulations on leaving school! Welcome to Real Life. *hugs*
Hello Aunty Janet
That's so awesome! I really hope you have fun now, I reckon it's the only way to learn. I went to school growing up but I don't remember much of what I learned compared to what I learnt in real life with my parents. My dad used to take us camping, bushwalking, blackberry picking (and then we'd make blackberry jam, yum!), we built a treehouse and a billy cart. Who needs to sit down and learn about maths when you can learn it from doing all that fun stuff? Go you!
Wow that Great, i would have loved the chance to be unschooled when i was a kid. I didnt like school and i always got in trouble for talking to much and other normal happy kid behaviours. I hope you learn loads of great things in a way that makes you happy to learn.
Congratulations! There's so much more interesting stuff to be learned in real life than sitting inside the walls of a school. I bet you'll love learning at home.
I will learn many more usful things for the future.
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