Monday, September 15, 2008

stick insects

These are my stick insects . Spiny, Opal and Titan. Spiny and Opal are Spiny leaf insects and Titan is a Titan stick insect. I got them 8 months ago. Opal { the little green one } was just a tiny egg and Spiny and Titan were at their 1st or 2nd shed.

bugs and silliness


Anonymous said...

Great photo! I'm by no means a bug person, but that looks really interesting. How did you become interested in insects?

Alice and Mother said...

I was interested in how they move and strategies they use to hunt when I was little.

Unknown said...

Wow those insects are amazing! Do you have to have a special permit to keep them? What do they need to keep them alive?

Ish said...

Fantastic photo can you tell us how you care for them and where they live?

Alice and Mother said...


My stickinsects are easy to look after. All you need is a tank 3 times the size of the stickinsect a spray bottle and a good place like a park to get fresh gum leaves from. I clean them out every week with warm water(no soap just water) and a towel.spiny is the one thats like a scorpion she's vey common in Qld and titan the long one is very common in all of sydney. I got mine for free at the Australian museum.

Alice and Mother said...


You don't need a licence to keep these insects, all you need is to look up a care sheet get the things you need and get some. I recomend the Australian museum, they give away stickinsects to people who bring a tank and are ready.